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posted by: Latina Madison on 1/2/2017

Please pray for my family and me I feel the present of witchcraft around us . That's trying to stop our talent and gifts
I will pray 26 people are praying.
posted by: bevann on 11/7/2016

my grandson Malik
I will pray 18 people are praying.
Prayer Request
posted by: Phil Chavez on 7/21/2016

Please Pray...I'm 44 ,Never been in a relationship,been praying for relationships for over 21 years.Please Please Pray GOD sends me (Phil Chavez) life partner quickly real soon In JESUS Name
I will pray 15 people are praying.
Prayer Request
posted by: Phil Chavez on 12/24/2015

I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Please Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) women companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen
I will pray 26 people are praying.
I am poor and can't pay my bills
posted by: Anthony Russell on 9/29/2015

I have applied for social security disability because I have Progressive Sleep Insomnia. I can't pay my bills because I have no income coming in. I get very sleepy on the jobs that I had. The loan company that I am dealing with took legal actions against me because I could not pay them. I had to borrow money from a cousin to make the loan payment and back pay. I took out the loan when I was working on my last job but I had to quit it because I keep getting sleeping on that job. It is taking too long for Social Security Disability to approve my money.
I will pray 19 people are praying.
Prayer Request
posted by: Phil Chavez on 6/26/2015

Please Pray...I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship,been praying for relationships for over 20 years.Please Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) women companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen.
I will pray 23 people are praying.
Praise report
posted by: Sis. Danielle on 5/14/2015

Thanks MaxLife Church for coming in agreement with me regarding Sean, he has did a 360 from what the Doctors stated! He is home without No hamlet, tracheotomy , colostomy bag, walker and last but least no rehab. To God be the glory for the prayers of the righteous availeth much.. I thanks you for standing with my family! He also gave his life to Christ Jesus..
Amen! 23 people are praising.
financial miracle /kids
posted by: charrisse on 4/23/2015

I am asking for prayer for a financial miracle that is needed very bad in my home right now. I am so depressed because my daughter is graduating and I can't buy the cap and gown right now. I also ask for prayers for my son whom the devil is trying to destroy but I bind it in Jesus name and also for my 2 girls that that all knw and lice god and don't take on the ways of the world. Thank you so much amen.
I will pray 22 people are praying.
posted by: Elder Steve on 3/21/2015

Praising God! Website looks great!
Amen! 17 people are praising.
New Website
posted by: Becky on 3/17/2015

Praising God for your new website!
Amen! 41 people are praising.